The Latest Update From Mailing Expert

As we settle into the new and unfamiliar territory that self-isolation has brought upon us, the team at Mailing Expert is adapting well. Our ‘new normal’ involves daily virtual coffee breaks via video conferencing, for which I think we are all grateful; we didn’t realise quite how much we’d miss the camaraderie of the office!

I’m proud to say that the team has risen to the unique challenges that the current situation has posed with aplomb. With most of us working remotely and just a few key staff handling the essential printing and related jobs for clients (many thanks to these dedicated guys!), the importance of our efforts to streamline processes and cross-train staff have really become clear. The presses, enclosing lines and Fulfilment department are still running as normal, and we have been able to maintain efficiency and uninterrupted service for all our clients. 

In the midst of all that’s going on right now, one thing has stayed the same: our commitment to our people and our customers. The team is working harder than ever to keep everything as normal as possible, and we’re here to help with whatever you need, just the same as always.

Thank you for your patience, custom and support. We will overcome this together. 


Other News from the World of Direct Mail

In other news, it’s worth pointing out some interesting facts and figures about why direct mail is continuing to thrive right now. According to JICMail (quoted in PrintWeek):

“The average business mail item is seen by 1.16 people per household. For every one million business mail items sent, an additional 160,000 people in the household see that mail item. Furthermore, each business mail item is interacted with 4.64 times, with actions including opening, reading, and putting the mail piece on display, and passing it on to other people in the household.”

With more people home than usual, direct mail stands to gain more attention than ever. It’s a great opportunity to market your brand, so that when everything returns to normal, your business is ahead of the game. As Webmart chief executive and founder Simon Biltcliffe says in the same PrintWeek article:

“What you tend to find is that in moments of crisis, the brands that come out the other side really strong are those that advertise through it, and those that hold back on their advertising spend are the ones that weaken themselves.”

At Mailing Expert, we have also found a sharp increase in demand for community-oriented direct mail: charity flyers and Council newsletters, for example. There is a lot of information to share in local communities, and direct mail is the best way to get it seen. What’s more, people are (and I’m sure you’re experiencing this, too!) starting to suffer from ‘screen fatigue’ and wanting to step away from the computer. Plus, now is the time when communities are putting a lot of energy into reaching older and vulnerable people who simply wouldn’t engage in social media or email, but need information and assistance right now.

Whether you want to use this time to up your marketing game or need to reach out to your community, Mailing Expert is here to help. Just drop us a line and we’ll get things going straight away. After all, we are all in this together.